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Evaluate basis functions at points or average functions over polygons.


eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for Basis,matrix
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for Basis,SpatialPointsDataFrame
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for Basis,SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for Basis,STIDF
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for TensorP_Basis,matrix
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for TensorP_Basis,STIDF
eval_basis(basis, s)

# S4 method for TensorP_Basis,STFDF
eval_basis(basis, s)



object of class Basis


object of class matrix, SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame containing the spatial locations/footprints


This function evaluates the basis functions at isolated points, or averages the basis functions over polygons, for computing the matrix \(S\). The latter operation is carried out using Monte Carlo integration with 1000 samples per polygon. When using space-time basis functions, the object must contain a field t containing a numeric representation of the time, for example, containing the number of seconds, hours, or days since the first data point.

See also

auto_basis for automatically constructing basis functions.



### Create a synthetic dataset
d <- data.frame(lon = runif(n=500,min = -179, max = 179),
                lat = runif(n=500,min = -90, max = 90),
                z = rnorm(500))
coordinates(d) <- ~lon + lat
slot(d, "proj4string") = CRS("+proj=longlat")

### Now create basis functions on sphere
G <- auto_basis(manifold = sphere(),data=d,
                nres = 2,prune=15,
                type = "bisquare",
                subsamp = 20000)
#> NOTE: Zero process variability is implicitly enforced in regions where basis functions are pruned. Please use the option prune carefully: regions of data paucity are generally not reflective of regions of low process variability. Please set prune = 0 if unsure what to do.

### Now evaluate basis functions at origin
S <- eval_basis(G,matrix(c(0,0),1,2))